the blog about nothing answers the tough questions...
we've come to the part of the week where we answer a few of the hundreds of reader mail we get each day. these are real letters from real people! (it's amazing, i know!) i think you'll enjoy them just as much as we have, if not more.
dear the blog about nothing,
HOT -MARRIED - LADIES ARE WAITING... Do you Wnat to meet REAL married women in search of Sex Encounters On The Side, in the US and 20 other countries ?
dear reader,
um. wow. this totally making us reconsider our own weekend plans. it's so nice that women around the world are working hard for something more. our only concern is your emphasis on the word REAL... have there been that many artificial married women in search of the elusive Sex Encounter On the Side that this distinction needs to be made? in caps, no less. (sidenote: why is it that i seem to be relegated to answering the group of reader mail with large amounts of capitalization and invitations in the form of hyperlinks that seem to take over my browser? i know our readers are excited, but come on now...) in any case, we wish all of our HOT MARRIED LADY readers out there the best of luck in their quest. yeah.
ps: we think you mean "want", not "wnat". unless we're not down with some of the new slang terms. in which case, oh yeah, we wnat it.
dear the blog about nothing,
Did you know it is now perfectly legal for you to own your own cable descrambler box?
dear reader,
we really had no idea. really? hm. well... while the blog about nothing certainly enjoys a few cable shows from time to time, such as lifetime movies and the iron chef, as our popularity grows we have found that we just don't have much time for kicking back and enjoying fine quality programming like we used to. however, we hope that you certainly enjoy your freshly pirated entertainment.
the blog about nothing
such amazing mail pouring in... i can't wait to see what the inbox has in store for next week!
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