mindless theater presents: fall sugar rush
jamelah: and in other news, cream of wheat makes for a great dinner at 9 p.m.
Firecracker: hmmm
Firecracker: flavored?
jamelah: no, just plain
jamelah: with a little brown sugar
Firecracker: do you like candy corn?
jamelah: not really
Firecracker: and why not?
jamelah: i think it's too sweet
jamelah: it's like orange sugar
jamelah: and i'm very particular about sugar
Firecracker: dude
jamelah: except for my brief addiction to the stuff in the candy bowl, that is
Firecracker: what do you have against sweet!!??
jamelah: i've never been a big fan of sweets
Firecracker: first no sweet meat
Firecracker: and now this
Firecracker: where does it end?
jamelah: i don't know
jamelah: i also can't drink pop with sugar in it
Firecracker: jesus
jamelah: yeah, i'm not fond of sugar
jamelah: except in brownies
jamelah: or pecan pie. i really like pecan pie.
Firecracker: do you like sugar snap peas?
Firecracker: pecan pie is diabetes in a flaky crust
jamelah: not really. i like snow peas, but those are different.
Firecracker: and as a side note... do you say pahcahn
Firecracker: or peeecan
Firecracker: ?
jamelah: yeah, i know pecan pie is bad and i only have about one slice a year. usually at christmas.
Firecracker: pee-can
jamelah: p'can
Firecracker: oooh
Firecracker: apostrophe
Firecracker: a contraction
Firecracker: a pecontraction
jamelah: p'cahn
jamelah: yeah, i don't really say the first syllable
Firecracker: not unlike chaka khan
jamelah: very similar, in fact
Firecracker: chaka khan does not have her own pie as far as I know
Firecracker: http://www.dailyillini.com/archives/1995/October/25/campusscout.html
Firecracker: but now that i think of it
Firecracker: maybe when she said "i feel for you..."
jamelah: hahahaaaa
Firecracker: she was actually talking about p'can pie
Firecracker: i think i love you
Firecracker: the pie is the unsaid
jamelah: the pie is the unsaid
jamelah: dude, that's poetry!
Firecracker: unsaid pie poetry
Firecracker: ok, i dare you to write that
Firecracker: you are too sweet
Firecracker: like orange sugar
Firecracker: i feel for you
Firecracker: i think
Firecracker: i love you
Firecracker: come on let me rock you
Firecracker: let me rock you p'can
Firecracker: mmmmm
Firecracker: etc.
jamelah: you already wrote it
Firecracker: you have to add something
jamelah: ok here's what i've got...
jamelah: mmmmmmmm
jamelah: nuts
Firecracker: hahahahah
Firecracker: i think that about says it all
please join us next time when firecracker pledges her allegiance to brach's and all its wholesome goodness.